This article explores the art of character arcs, the dynamic evolution of characters over a storyline, and the profound impact this has on reader engagement.

By John Wallis

In today's era of fiction, characters are the focal point that transforms a narrative from words on a page to a vivid, immersive experience. This article explores the art of character arcs, the dynamic evolution of characters over a storyline, and the profound impact this has on reader engagement.

Understanding Character Arcs: Character arcs are the trajectories that characters follow, showcasing their growth, transformation, or decline throughout a story. We as writers should dissect the components of character arcs and how they evolve over the narrative.

Types of Character Arcs: Not all character arcs are the same. While developing your character,  look into positive arcs where characters grow, negative arcs where they decline, and flat arcs where characters maintain consistency.

The Role of Conflict in Character Arcs: Conflict is the crucible for character change. Good writers should explore how conflict, both internal and external, acts as a catalyst for character transformation and the resolution of personal struggles.

Crafting Believable Character Transformations: Believable character arcs require finesse. Aspiring writers should recognize the importance of gradual development, balancing realism and drama to create authentic and relatable character transformations.

Mapping Out Character Arcs in Plot Structures: Understanding story structures is essential. Successful scribes should always examine how character arcs align with the traditional plot phases and the integration of arcs within the broader narrative.

The Art of Subplots in Character Arcs: Subplots add layers to character arcs. Would-be writers will want to explore how subplots enhance depth and complexity, acting as catalysts that propel characters through their transformative journeys.

Character Arcs in Different Genres: Different genres demand different approaches. Doing research in this are can reveal how character arcs adapt to genre conventions and explore unconventional approaches for unique and captivating narratives.

Writing Engaging Character Arc Introductions: Capturing reader interest from the start is crucial. Developing a character fully via a character development tool will provide valuable insights into establishing initial flaws or strengths that set the stage for compelling character arcs.

Dialogue's Role in Character Arc Progression: Dialogue is a powerful tool for expressing internal changes. Successful writers will want to explore how good dialogue and evolving conversations reflect character arcs, adding depth to the narrative.

Character Arc Pitfalls to Avoid: Pitfalls can hinder the effectiveness of character arcs. Beware the most common pitfalls, such as predictability and clichés, and examine ways to avoid rushing or stagnating arc progression.

Balancing Multiple Character Arcs in a Story: When multiple characters share a story, maintaining coherence is vital. All good writers will develop strategies for ensuring consistency and interweaving arcs for narrative harmony.

Real-World Examples of Memorable Character Arcs: Learning from the masters is invaluable. Reading and watching movies analytically can help develop critical skills but always try to analyze examples from classic literature and contemporary novels and films. These examples tend to showcase memorable character arcs that have stood the test of time.

Reader Engagement through Character Arcs: Character arcs are the key to reader engagement. As with the examples listed above, good writers will want to explore how well-crafted arcs create empathy and connection, leaving lasting impressions on readers.

Conclusion: Navigating the Art of Character Arcs in Fiction Writing is an exploration of the transformative power of characters in storytelling. As writers, embracing the intricacies of character arcs allows us to create narratives that resonate deeply with readers, inviting them on a journey of growth, discovery, and emotional connection.


1.     How do character arcs contribute to overall story engagement? Character arcs engage readers by providing a dynamic and relatable journey, allowing them to invest emotionally in the characters' growth or transformation.

2.     Can a character have more than one arc in a single story? Yes, characters can undergo multiple arcs, each addressing different aspects of their personality or challenges, contributing to a richer and more nuanced narrative.

3.     What distinguishes a positive character arc from a negative one? A positive arc involves character growth or redemption, while a negative arc depicts a decline or moral deterioration. Both add depth and complexity to the story.

4.     How can writers avoid common pitfalls in crafting character arcs? Writers should avoid predictability, clichés, and rushing or stagnating arc progression. Focus on authentic character development and a well-paced transformation.

5.     Is it necessary for every character to undergo an arc in a story? Not every character needs a significant arc, but even minor characters can benefit from subtle changes or growth to contribute to the overall richness of the narrative.

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At the French Post 
(Painting by David Wright,

American Indian Rhetorics

Chief Hopocan made this speech as he “aggressively addressed the British commandant” at a Fort Detroit Indian council. The narrative reads like a poem of a child to their father (and it was probably meant to be read that way). I could feel the writer’s words and made an instant connection. So much so, that I felt a need to re-write it (somewhat) in the poetics style. (Great Speeches by Native Americans (Dover Publications, 2000. p. 25)


Some time ago you placed a war-hatchet in my hands. 
          You said, “Use it on the heads of my enemy. 
Let me know if it is sharp and good”. 
          You named me your Child and I was obedient. 

Perhaps you think me a fool, Father,
          to risk my life at your desire, 
Because, it is your cause, your war, not mine. 
You should not compel your children to fight for you. 
           Many lives have already been lost because of you. 

Our tribes have suffered and been weakened. 
          Lost parents and brothers - infants left weeping, 
Husbands and fathers lost - young wives still mourning. 
          How many more will perish before your war ends? 
How long before your children rest, bury the hatchet, make amends? 

Father, you may think me a fool
 for carefully dispatching your enemy. 
          But think not I want sense to convict me, 
 For soon you make peace with your enemy. 
You make promises and say you love your children,  
       But how can you love a people who are different? 
       Love them more than those of the same hue? 

Father, please pay attention to what I say, 
          A hunter sets his dogs on wild game
And you set your children on your enemy. 
         Yet, while rushing forward with the destructive device you gave them, 
A glance backward reveals prophetic imagery, 
          their father shaking hands with his enemy. 
Yes, the same people he now calls enemy. 

Your children see you laughing at their folly; 
         A folly for being bold and expedient. 
Giving up their lives willingly... being obedient. 

This is what has been done with the war-hatchet,
          The bloody, destructive weapon you gave me. 
Here are the scalps of your enemy! 
          Yes, I found the tool very sharp... very good. 
But, Father, my heart has failed me 
          because I felt compassion for your enemy, 
I did not do all I could have done. 
Innocence had no part in your quarrels; my convictions outwon. 

Live flesh placed in one of your canoes. 
          In a few days you will receive this flesh too. 
Flesh as your own - of the same hue. 
I hope you do not destroy what I have saved for you. 
Father, you have the means to preserve which would perish us. 
The warrior is poor - his cabin portrays all emptiness
         But your house... Father... is always full. 

                                                                                                                                                                                Konieschquanoheel - “Maker of Daylight”, (Delaware). 1781
Two Up - Two to Go!

Processing the Raw Lumber

Got started on my treehouse platform a couple days ago and realize that doing everything by hand is going to be a s-l-o-w process. 

It definitely isn’t as quick and easy as they make it look in the videos I’ve been watching. The accompanying video is just over seven minutes long, yet it took me almost six hours to complete the task I was trying to achieve! This task consisted of processing a tree that I had cut last week and using it to add another side, or beam to the floor-level aspect of the platform structure. 

The log that is seen in the video below should be enough to produce at least two good beams. I have the other but ran out of time before I could get it mounted. I had to finish trimming all the unnecessary branches from the tree before I could even commence processing it into usable lumber.
Drawknife (crude but effective)
The trimming took probably about an hour or so. 
One of the tools I am using in the video is a “drawknife” and has been around for centuries. This particular one is one I made at my forge from a piece of old car spring and some rebar welded on for handles. It does work fairly well, and a good drawknife should be an essential tool for anyone looking to construct buildings using bushcraft techniques
It is basically a “wood planing” tool that helps shape raw lumber into a desired form. It is also very useful for stripping bark off the raw timber. In the video I am using it to flatten the log so as to attach it to the upright tree. 

By flattening the sides of the log, it increases surface area and decreases depth for better attachment. One tricky aspect of doing this is, if you are planing both ends of the log, be sure they are in alignment or else it can cause a “twist” and the two ends will not be exactly the same. 

Taking down a beam for re-tweaking is a lot more cumbersome, difficult, and time consuming than just making sure it is right the first time. My aim on this project is to finish the beams around the selected trees and then to fill in the center by using cut timber to fashion a floor, walls, and eventually a roof. 

Thanks for watching and stopping by today and usual, leave any comments or suggestions via my email at: Stay tuned for more updates on the “Wilderness Treehouse” project. 
Testing out the new bucksaw.

Bushcraft 101: Three Reasons to Carry a Bucksaw in Your Bushpack

Living and surviving off the grid doesn’t have to be as cumbersome as some may think. The key to making this lifestyle as comfortable as possible is having the right tools along with you to do the jobs that are needed as efficiently as possible. 

So, in keeping with this theme of survival and bushcrafting, I am creating this post to cover some of the “must” have tools that will make your life much easier in the wild. One of these tools is the “wood auger” that I have written about previously but today I’m going to go over another tool called the “Bucksaw”, that is necessary for felling trees and cutting them up into construction materials for the camp. 

Personally, I carry two different tree saws in my pack for different applications. The first one is a small, eight-inch folding saw and the other is my Bucksaw. 

I made my bucksaw by watching several videos that go over the construction of the saw elements, how to attach the elements, and how to carve the tenons and mortises into the wood to get them to work properly. This was the trickiest part of the process for me. 
Marking off the length.

1. Felling and cutting larger trees that would be too large for the folding saw

In the game of bushcraft, minimalism is the name of the game and you want to keep your pack light enough to be able to carry it and, at the same time, make sure all of the necessary equipment will fit into it; efficiently and compactly. 

I bought only the blade for my saw at the hardware store for about $1.50 and then constructed the frame for it out of some pallet wood I had lying around the house. 

All in all, the saw is 24 inches long and comprised of five different elements; the three wooden pieces that fit together with the blade, the string, and another piece of board for a “tensioner”. 
Daddy's Little Helper

2. For building semi-permanent shelters

The bucksaw makes quick work of the construction materials and chunking these materials into smaller, bite-sized bits for quicker refinement.

There are, of course “bowsaws” that can be purchased that fold up similar to the bucksaw but the price on a good one can be somewhat prohibitive. (For me anyway). 

I like a buck fifty and some time in creating the saw myself as opposed to spending the money on something similar. However, there are videos out there that show how to make your own folding bucksaw, but the process is a little more tedious and time consuming. There are actually videos on how tobuild the bucksaw with just a blade and branches cut at the build site.

3. The bucksaw is also essential in the production of fire wood for the camp.

As you can see from the videos and pictures, the bucksaw is necessary in the bushcraft arena in felling and cutting larger trees that would be too large for the folding saw. 

For building semi-permanent shelters, the bucksaw makes quick work of the construction materials and chunking these materials into smaller, bit-sized bits for better refinement. 

The bucksaw is also essential in the production of fire wood for the camp. 

So, whether you’re a novice or seasoned woodsman, having a bucksaw available in your arsenal of bushcrafting tools will allow you wider latitude in crafting or producing a better and longer lasting shelter to make living off the grid more comfortable in the long run. 
As always, thank you for reading my post today and let me know what you think of the information in this blog and make any suggestions via my email at: Until next time, Happy Living!
Scotch Eyed Wood Auger

Bushcraft 101: Five Uses for the Wood Auger

Okay, so with much time on my hands during the pandemic, I’ve really been getting into the “bushcraft” lifestyle here lately. I have been watching and studying a variety of YouTube videos that cover the subject. 

I’ve always had an interest in living off the grid, off the land, and being self-sufficient in a survival situation. My wife and I love watching History Channel’s Alone series and try to anticipate who’ll win the money. It’s a great show on survival and resilience but the new season hasn’t started yet. 

So, in the meantime, we’ve been watching and subscribing to video channels that have the same “survival” theme. One of the channels we’ve subscribed to is TA Outdoors, here is a group of like-minded individuals who go out into the wilderness and build stuff! They do this with just the tools packed into their backpacks and what they can hump to the site. They truly do some amazing things with just a few hand tools and other items they create onsite. 

One of the truly amazing tools they use a lot is the “wood auger”. This compact little tool seems indispensable in joining branches for the frame of their different “Medieval” structures as well as crafting the furnishings that go into making said structures habitable. There are two different tools in this category that I’ve seen and just had to have. One is the brace-bit and wood auger attachment, and the other is the “Scotch Eyed” wood auger. Regardless of which one is used, their importance in remote woodworking and construction should not be overlooked. 
Auger Bit

Use the Auger as a Joining Tool

The auger is great for joining branches by boring holes through tree limbs and into the main branch. Thus, creating joints via wooden pegs to frame poles in solid construction. 

The guys on TA Outdoors make this look really easy but, after doing it myself a few times, I can tell you from experience that it is not as easy as it looks; especially depending on the type of wood you are using.
Bushcraft Bench

Creating Attachment Points

The wood auger is invaluable for making “attachment” points for rustic furniture building. Start with boring the holes into the main piece of wood and add smaller branches to the holes to form legs. 

This is also a great way to construct sawhorses to hold the wood while you are sawing on it and for chopping or thinning down furniture legs.
The Great Outdoors!

Create Areas for Hanging Camp Items

The wood auger can be used to form partial holes in wood for placing pegs to hang items from. This can be a great asset when the walls of your shelter are made of…, wood! Seriously, it is a great way to hang wet clothing or gear to dry out.

Anchoring Tent Stakes

Using a "wood" auger to anchor tent stakes? This is something I hadn't even considered, much less thought about. But, from the research I’ve seen on the Internet, it looks like a pretty popular usage for this versatile tool. It seems that a lot of people buy these solely for the purpose of boring holes into the earth to plant anchoring apparatuses for their canvas or polyvinyl living quarters. Hmmm.... Hoodathunkit? (Even though the wood augers to come in different sizes and the smaller sizes would make great tent hold-down devices,  it seems a bit overkill. For this reason I believe people looking for this type of use for the auger would be better served with cheaper "gound anchors" instead).
Swedish "Rocket" Stove

Make a Temporary Camp Stove!

By using the wood auger to create a Swedish Rocket Stove, you can build a highly efficient stove for cooking. A one-inch auger bit and a length of log is all that is needed to get the fire up and running in a jiffy. This one is a favorite of mine. 
Brace and Bit (Hand Drill)
The first auger I bought was the brace and bit (hand drill) because I found a couple of used ones at different flea markets and the price was right. About $10.00 each. 

However, the first one I bought was not in the best shape and I had to forego it for the second one in much better condition. After this I had to buy auger bits in a “bundle” because the one-inch bit I needed wasn’t sold separately. So, this was another $16.00 purchase, but I was then able to go yonder into the wilderness and commence hand augering! 

Well, almost because the brace and bit’s chuck couldn’t be tightened enough by hand to keep the bit from slipping and chewing up the shank. So, I found a one-inch wrench laying around my garage and now carry this in my backpack when I go bushcrafting.
So, herein lies the proverbial rub: If any of you are familiar with packing tools into the wilderness on your back, then you will soon notice that I’ve added another couple of pounds to the already burgeoning pack. 

I needed something lighter and more compact; especially if I’m humping this pack miles into the bush! This is where the appeal of the Scotch Eyed wood auger comes in. 

This type of auger is just a “bit” with a little round ring at the top for a peg (you cut it onsite) goes through and used for torque in boring holes into wood! Simple, efficient, and weighs in under a pound! 

You can buy them in different sizes and seem to be plentiful almost everywhere online. However, the cost for one of the Scotch Eyed bits is a little more than the bits for the hand drill. 

I think Amazon has one made by “The Black Raven Co.” that costs around $35.00 and comes with a lifetime warranty. It looks like it would make a great addition to my pack as well as lightening it by a couple of pounds. 

This little miracle tool will definitely become a permanent resident in my bushcraft arsenal – as soon as I can talk my wife into letting me “upgrade”. Who knows, maybe with this next round of stimulus money? 
My Addicted Mind

Symptoms of Anxiety, Depression, and Substance Abuse Everyone Needs to Know

Unless one is a practicing clinician, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse are not usually thought of as occurring together. Maybe this is because they are actually separate diagnoses, and I think most people view them this way in the realm of psychological disorders. On the other hand, many experts believe that depression can lead to substance abuse and vice-versa. My goal in the following narrative is to educate those unaware of the dangers of co-occurring diagnoses by analyzing and comparing major depression, anxiety, and substance abuse; reviewing their symptoms and the symbiotic role they play in one’s mental health. Major Depression 

According to the DSM 5, Major Depression is classified as, “Diminished interest or loss of pleasure in almost all activities (anhedonia). Significant weight change or appetite disturbance: For children, this can be failure to achieve expected weight gain. Sleep disturbance (insomnia or hypersomnia) Psychomotor agitation or retardation.” In other words, it is a combination of symptoms that are serious enough and last long enough to drastically affect a person’s quality life. It is also called clinical, or major depressive disorder. In the United States, Major Depression ranks as the number one cause of disability. Depressive episodes can get to a point where it leaves people totally incapacitated and even suicidal. They are unable to concentrate, work, learn, or care for themselves or loved ones. Left untreated, major depression can last for up to half a year or longer. For some fortunate individuals, only one incident of debilitating depression will be experienced in their lifetime, but for numerous others, periodic episodes of major depression can go on for years. Downward Spiral As mentioned, if not treated, episodes of deep depression can last for one or more years. Untreated depression can lead to a profound physical and emotional “downward spiral”. Individuals suffering with major depression typically move sluggishly and report feelings of “heaviness” in their legs and arms. Simply walking for these people requires an enormous amount effort. Personal hygiene becomes neglected and the individual often wants to isolate themselves or stay in bed for days or weeks at a time. Suicidal ideations may occur frequently and may evolve into a recurring thought process. Usually, the individual will recall unsettling or painful memories which contribute further to feelings of helplessness. The problem of substance abuse, depression, and suicide effects persons of all ages but is especially critical in teens and young adults. 

Dual Diagnosis

If the previously mentioned symptoms weren’t bad enough, add a depressant or other mind-altering drug to the mix, such as alcohol or prescription opioids, and the situation becomes even worse. The addition of a substance now causes the individual to experience “dual diagnosis” and treatment becomes even more complicated. More often than not, the substance abuse evolves as a way for the individual to “self-medicate” symptoms of depression, however depression can also progress independently as the result of too much drug abuse. Nevertheless, whichever one comes first -- the substance abuse problem or the depression – having both illnesses will only continue to make the other worse. Substance abuse along with depression is a nasty roller coaster ride that never ends until both illnesses are treated simultaneously. Bottom line - individuals with co-occurring substance abuse and depression will rarely improve without treatment. Now let’s take a look at the role anxiety plays in the depression and substance abuse equation. 


 Believe it or not, anxiety is commonly linked with depression and substance abuse in both women and men. Anxiety and/or depression, when coupled with addiction and substance abuse, is called co-occurring disorders or dual diagnosis. In a study by Columbia University Medical Center, a staggering 85 percent of individuals with depression also experienced symptoms of anxiety (CUMC, 1995). Also, depression is diagnosed in up to 90 percent of individuals with anxiety disorders. 

To sum it all up, any of the illnesses mentioned above can be debilitating but adding yet another “layer” of co-occurrence to the equation compounds the negative effects exponentially. My aim here is to bring to light some of the symptoms of the depressive disorders in an effort to make them recognizable because, if left untreated, an individual with depression or other co-occurring diagnoses are likely to spiral out of control at an alarming rate; leading ultimately to permanent mental impairment, or even death. 

If you, or someone you love, is experiencing any of the above symptoms, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. It could mean the difference between life and death!
My Addicted Mind

Stan Lee's Heartbreaking Last Days

In AARP’s October - November issue of their magazine, David Hochman wrote a truly sad story of the Marvel icon, Stan Lee’s final days. In the story, of course angled toward a more mature readership, Hochman frames the narrative around the last days of Stan Lee’s life and how he had suffered abuse at the hands of those who proposed to “love him”. Hochman did a great job in his writing and brings to light the issue of “elder abuse” and how it affects lives of millions of those in our aging population. 

The Players
 In his article, Hochman focuses the reader’s attention around three individuals (four if you include J.C.) whom Lee had trusted to supposedly help run the family business after his wife Joanie had passed away. One element of the story that stood out was that all of these characters have claimed they were acting on Lee’s behalf: in the best interest of his welfare and wellbeing. Almost all of them stated they “loved him as a father figure” and would never do anything to hurt him or jeopardize his trust. Of Lee’s daughter, J.C. Lee, and her role in the alleged abuse, she is portrayed as a self-serving, entitled only child who would seem to be easy prey for anyone looking to milk some loose change out of the Lee empire.

Building an Empire
Although the “empire”, as it came to be, was contingent on Stan’s participation at Comic Con conventions and other events as a means of selling autographs to fans for eighty dollars (or more) a pop. (According to Hochman, Lee did not own any rights to the iconic superheroes and relied heavily on autograph sales as a source of income). One of the so-called perpetrators in the alleged elder abuse scandal purportedly had Lee signing his name in blood at one point in an effort to bring a higher dollar amount to the signature. The perpetrator then was charged with, among other things, absconding with a vial of Lee’s blood! 

The story of Lee and his writing is quite compelling because of the reasons he did it and the personalities he created through it. Hochman quotes Lee as stating that he didn’t believe what he was doing (writing) was as important as curing illnesses or building bridges. However, Lee’s fanbase proved him wrong in this regard and even prompted Lee to contemplate his idea of “success”. 

Early Career
In quote from Hochman’s story, Lee had this to say about his early years of writing, “To tell the truth, I never thought of myself as much of a success. When I was younger, I was embarrassed about the things I wrote. I felt there were men building bridges, doing medical research. And here I am writing these ridiculous comic book stories.” Here Hochman points out how the years of interaction with his fans began changing Lee’s mind. 

The Adoring Fans
“People always tell me things like, when I was a child, my mother was gone, my father was drunk, but your comic books were there for me. These characters are important to people in ways I can’t even understand. Is this success? …then again, I don’t think anybody ever stops a bridge builder on the street and says, ‘Your bridges! They’re thrilling!’” One possible reason for the success of the characters Lee created was that they all portrayed a real-life, believable character with human emotions and relatable flaws that his readers could identify with. 

The Next Chapter
Stan Lee transcended his earthly vessel on November 12, 2018, leaving behind a legacy few mortals will achieve in one lifetime. His estate is now in J.C.’s control and it will be interesting to see how it is managed from this point forward. More importantly, it is the Lee legacy fans and admirers will remember with affection; from the gritty voice behind wire-rimmed glasses and silver mustache, the larger-than-life characters endowed with flawed, human personalities, to the witty cameo roles in blockbuster movies. As for the fictionalized cosmos and characters of one man’s imagination regarding the news of his passing, the response can only be adequately summed up by the phrase, “…and the universe wept”. 



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