
has evolved from a desire to help those with substance abuse and other addiction issues to explore an ancient and familiar passion for writing. Through what seemed a brief vapor of a millenial research, I had embraced the past as a life wasted. However, it is by this virtue of possessing the unknown that the result of a passionate seduction and insidious transformation via an altered consciousness led to this alternate reality. So, it is within this epicurean paradox and journey across Occam's razor that my senses are refreshed, assailed, assaulted, insulted, and tempted by an insatiable appetite for knowledge. I recognize this now and also how it has been self-serving. This transformation is the catalyst and basis of the content you see before you. It was during this evolutionary process, and after thirty years in a highly stressful and unforgiving profession that I came to realize that - an "addiction" is exactly that - either good or bad. An addiction can be an obsession of compulsory cognitive-behavioral changes as with learned habits through repetitive behavior and neural remapping. Hence, it is within the context of this term "habits" that I have come to an epiphany of understanding – an addiction doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It is this understanding that has created an alternate path for me - away from self-destructive behaviors - and given me the drive to do something worthwhile; to pursue an advanced degree, to write abundantly, and to reclaim meaning and purpose in my life. To this end, if I can help others while pursuing this goal, that would be awesome!